Thought I would post the pictures here so that you don't actually need a account to see the pictures!
This was last weekend
Stopping for lunch on a rock...There wasn't much else to stop on but rocks. An added bonus on the Canadian Shield

Matin's artsy photo!

Coming out of the trail.

We had to have a number of lunch stops. It was a little hard to keep the 4 year old amused in the back seat. Unless we were going through puddles and bumping about in the Suzuki, or seeing turtles, snakes, ruffed grouses etc.....

We thought about it but decided maybe not today! :)

Hanging out on the cache rock!

Saw hundreds of snakes. Mostly garder snakes. Except for this little guy. He was so pretty.

These shoe trees are all across Ontario. There's a cache dedicated to one in Simcoe County as well. I personally find the grey ladies pump tacked up high on the tree rather creepy. We went in about 22 km on the trail and then turned around and came back. One day we will go back and see how far the trail actually does go. We met a tonne of people on atvs and in suvs on the road. Everyone was really friendly, but I can imagine that this place can also be creepy and desolate as well.....eek....

I made Marting walk through this puddle before I drove through it. It's good for him. Puts hair on his chest.

Hannah and the cache. YAY!